I just read that a police officer in Ontario is facing disciplinary charges for investigating a possible link between infant death, which is part of her job if I’m not mistaken, and the covid vaccines. Apparently, the upper echelon of policing in Ontario hasn’t bothered to consider the ever-increasing global datasets showing, at the very least, a high correlation between miscarriages and infant deaths worldwide since the covid vaccine rollout, or bothered to consider the hundreds of hours of testimony from a variety of sources in the National Citizens Inquiry.
Every time I read about a case like this, I have to check the GPS on my phone to make sure I'm still living in Canada and haven’t been transported somehow to a communist dictatorship by aliens.
Why any Canadian is ok with the current political climate we are living in is beyond me, but hey, like I always say, I’m not a parent; I don’t have any skin in the future game. I guess if people want their children to live under tyranny, then who am I to judge?
However, while I am still living, I will continue to do everything I can to share information that I believe is important for people to have so that they can make informed decisions. This documentary provides information that is crucial for parents to consider if they want their children to have children.
Click on the picture below to go to the Oracle Films website and view the documentary. It’s free, by the way.